On August 2nd, 2022, the Board of Trustees voted to amend the Local - Law Section A583-28 Parking Permits and increase the fees. Effective January 1st, 2023 and the subsequent months to follows, the permit fees will be as follows:
Employee Parking
$90 per calendar quarter if issued prior to or during the first month of each quarter
$70 if issued during the second month of each quarter
$40 if issued during the third month of each quarter
Resident Overnight Parking
$90 per calendar quarter if issued prior to or during the first month of each quarter
$70 if issued during the second month of each quarter
$40 if issued during the third month of each quarter
Temporary Overnight Permit
$4 per night
$40 for a maximum of 10 nights
Parking permits, both employee and overnight, can be purchased at Village Hall during office hours. Credit card, check or cash are accepted as forms of payment.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Great Neck Village Hall at 516-482-0019.